Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thing 25: Blogger's Toolkit

I added the Subscribe to button, Random Classic Art, and a Library Thing application

There were a few ideas I rejected, some of them because they seemed too complicated, others because it felt like my private life would be intersecting with a public blog. In the former category were such things as a news feed (I wanted a feed of the British paper The Guardian, but got way too many results when I searched for guardian in the gadgets) and Google calculator (link was broken, didn't feel like looking for another version). In the latter were such add-ons as googletalk, because I am not quite ready to be available to all and sundry for random conversations. Also, I didn't want my twitter messages or other social networking up on this blog since I am not sure who my audience is.

I spent at least 3 or 4 hours working on this Thing. I could easily have spent much more if I hadn't had other things to do!

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